The Dual Carb Registry Welcome to the Dual Carb Registry. While not exactly rare, the '41-'42 Buicks are unique in that they are the only Buick straight-8s equipped with the dual carbs. There are dozens of reasons why the dual carbs were not continued after the war: Cadillac complained that Buick had more horsepower, the dual carbs were finicky (not true), the dual carbs used too much gas (well, maybe that's true). So I've decided to start tracking these unique pieces of Buick history. So if you have a Buick with dual carbs, join us! If this grows sufficiently, I'll start a club. Heck, the guys with the '37-'38 cars have a club, why can't we? Looking forward to hearing from you! If you have a '41 or '42 Buick with dual carbs (any model), you can see some of the perks and how to join the Dual Carb Registry by clicking here. E-mail me at toolman8@sbcglobal.net This page accessed Thanks, Fidget!