9/5/04 Rotisserie Construction Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 FINAL Update We're in the home stretch now. I finished all the welding, attached the wheels, added a few gussets here and there, and drilled a lot of holes for adjusting the fit and angle. I used a drill press to accurately drill some holes in the rotator pin for locking it in position. I also added quite a few "lock bolts" in the pin, the the height adjuster and the body mounting brackets. While I don't trust these bolts alone to hold the body in position, they can certainly supplement the pins I'll be adding and will hold it in position while the pins are installed. Properly tightened, they seem to hold everything very solidly. Consider the pins safety insurance.
Then I painted the stands. I prepped the surfaces by sanding them with my DA sander, then wiped it down with solvent to eliminate any oils or leftover WD-40 from the drilling processes. I used the same Rustoleum epoxy I used on the buffer stand. You'll also note that I brushed it on--after finding out what a hassle the paint gun is to clean, I'm not really in the mood to use it unless absolutely necessary. I think it looks pretty good nonetheless...
E-mail me at toolman8@sbcglobal.net This page accessed Thanks, Fidget! |