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September 29, 2003
1.0 Hours

Transmission Painting

After a highly stressful weekend, I decided to finish the project I started the other day. I was a little concerned and took a break from the car--my company did some housecleaning in my department, including the one other person who does my job. He called me Saturday morning to let me know, and I feel just awful about it. And since I took Friday off, I figured I'd show up this morning and be fired, so restoring a car dropped down my list of priorities pretty quickly.

Fortunately, that didn't happen, but I still felt lethargic, so all I got to was painting the transmission case with Zero-Rust. I degreased the housing with some Xylene (I don't use the acetone any more after my experiences with the discolored powdercoating), hit it with a coat of Picklex-20, and painted it with the satin black Zero-Rust.

Transmission Paint Mark.jpg (44577 bytes)
I plan to duplicate the red paint daub on the end of the idler
shaft on the back of the transmission.

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Painted transmission case. It will dry to a nice satin finish as
original. Hole in the side is for the selector shaft, and uses a

cork seal--I'm wondering if I can replace it with a modern O-ring.

As long as I had the Zero-Rust out, I decided to throw a final coat on the door I've been working on as well. Parts of the inside were still curing, so I only painted the outside, but it looks great with the satin finish. I highly recommend Zero-Rust for these applications.

Painted Door 1.jpg (41005 bytes)
Door looks excellent with black Zero-Rust. I'm debating
whether the inside also needs a second coat--I think it
does because that where the moisture will tend to collect.

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Thanks, Fidget!