March 20, 2005 UpdateOK, you guys can stop with the E-mails. I'm still here, nobody died, and no, I haven't given up on the project. You have known me long enough to know I wouldn't give up, right? I've been trying to provide other things to read, what with the new links I've been finding and this month's Spinning My Tires, right? Check out the Dual Carb Registry--it's growing by leaps and bounds! Take a look around; I'm sure there's something over there on the left that you haven't seen yet. So what's the current status on the Buick? It is waiting for a massive cash injection, to be honest. Due to some headaches with my house's plumbing last month, the reserves in the Buick Fund have been pretty much wiped out. (The water main between the street and my house broke, leaving us without water for more than a week. We moved to my mother's house for a few days and the plumbers spent a lot of time and money replacing all the pipes in the house with new copper before they even bothered to check the main. Of course, it was another 3 days before they could get around to fixing it. And then there's the $900 water bill from the City of Cleveland for 10 or 11 days of water running full tilt underground. Unfortunately, the plumbers hooked everything up backwards, so now there's hot water at the cold faucets and vice-versa, and they won't fix it until I give them more money or hire someone else which will cost even more...) In addition, the sandblasting company I expected to blast the Buick's body has decided they don't want to work on old cars any more, and raised their rates to the point where it is no longer cost-effective. The frame isn't back from the powder coater's shop, and I'm honestly not sure yet where I'll store it and reassemble the chassis. I've thought about tearing into the engine and taking it over to the machine shop, but I'm not sure I want a fresh engine sitting around while I work on the body, especially when I start sanding it. Finally, the weather has been exceptionally lousy here in Cleveland for the past month and I haven't been able to get the car out of the garage to sandblast certain areas myself and keep the project moving forward. So the bottom line is that many things have conspired to keep me out of the workshop. Things like these happen during a long, expensive project. It's perfectly normal, yet totally frustrating. If you've been frustrated by the lack of updates lately, imagine how I feel! I haven't been able to get any "therapy" sessions out in the garage and I'm starting to feel it. I've sandblasted and powder coated a few little parts here and there, but beyond that, I'm stuck for the time being. Of course, today's
plan was to roll the body out of the garage and sandblast the trunk inside and
out, and hit the driver's side front corner body mount which has rotted away
somewhat. But it's raining hard enough for me to think about building an ark. If
the weather is agreeable this week, I'm hoping to do it after work and get back
to work on the car.
So that's my story. Hang in there, I'll be back soon. Previous Restoration Day E-mail me at toolman8@sbcglobal.net This page accessed Thanks, Fidget! |